When you're ready to put an assignment online, simply click on the assignment link at the top of the messaging window. The window will then change, asking you to enter the following information:
- Title
- Description
- Due date (set by clicking on the calendar icon)
- Add Files
Once you've entered the information, you can then choose who you want to send the assignment to - a particular student, a small group or your entire class. The assignment is then sent to the selected students and it also appears in the Grades tab of Edmodo.
When the student views the assignment, they
do not comment on the assignment. Rather, they click on submit and a new text box will be opened to allow them to type their response. They can also attach a file as their response.
Once you've send out an assignment, it appears on your wall. Edmodo will also keep track of how many students have completed the assignment already without having to go to your Grades tab. You can also see this info in the Spotlight area in the upper right hand corner.
When you are ready to grade the assignment, go to the Grades tab and select your class. Next, you will click on your assignment and be given a visual of who hasn't turned it in versus who has completed it. By clicking on the student's name, you can also see the date the student submitted the assignment. If the assignment was submitted late, the turn in date appears in red.
You have the freedom to make the assignment worth different point amounts for different students. A comment box also appears so that you can offer feedback to the student on his/her work.