Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting Started

On the left hand side of the screen, you'll see a header for your groups. Simply click on create and enter a name for your group. They recommend that you give each class a unique name. To keep things simple, I named each group according to its hour.

You will need to enter a grade and subject area for each class you create.  Once the class is created, you will receive a message from Edmodo with the secure access code for that class.  

When students go to the sign up section, they will need to enter that access code in order to join Edmodo. On the sign up, students will need to create a username and password that are unique to them.  I made the students solely responsible for remembering their combo.

Perk: Although they chose the unique username, they are listed according to their real-life name.  

They will need to enter their first and last name - although a last initial is perfectly fine.  The student email is considered optional and should be left blank.